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Fancy Rex cattery

Fancy Rex cattery

Welcome to the official website of the monopred cattery of the Cornish Rex breed in Israel, registration CFA

The Cornish Rex cat breed

Graceful light cats surprise with their carismatic and at the same time aristocratic appearance: delicious waves, like astrakhan curls - a miracle created by nature itself! Wary, high-set large ears and huge wide-open eyes resemble fantastic elves. The Cornish Rex cat breed is ideal for people who like energetic, inquisitive and lively cats - they are easy to educate, like to learn new tricks, play with teasers or just take a nap on the owner's lap.
Кошки породы Корниш рекс


You can buy our elite kitten only by pre-order. Kittens are transferred to new owners no earlier than 3.5-4 months after vaccination and castration. Kittens are not neutered, they can be purchased only in recognized kennels, at the discretion of the breeder and in accordance with the terms of the contractual obligations for the producers of the nursery and for the kittens of the Fancy rex nursery.

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Questions and answers

Interested to know about the origin of the breed?
In the county of Cornwall on July 21, 1950, the history of a new breed of cats began to be created. Due to a whim of nature, a typical British shorthair cat was born among the usual curly kitten. The owner of the farm where the young curly grew up, decided that it was not necessary to allow him to spread his genes: the cat was decided to be castrated. Thanks to the veterinarian, who dissuaded Mrs. Ennismore from this step and referred her to the appointment of geneticist Dr. A. K. Jude and breeder B. Steeling-Webb. They recognized the mutation as promising, and advised the cat's owner to try to breed a new breed. Nina Ennismore was trying to breed a rex. The experiment was half successful, and in the mid-50s of the last century, all the resulting animals were euthanized, except for the cat Poldhu. It was bought by B. Stirling-Webb, and he showed the world a new breed, recognized in England in 1967. In parallel, two kittens, who owed their origin to the farm of Nina Ennismore, went from their homeland to the United States, and the granddaughter of Callibanker Lemorna Kav gave the world Cornish Rex, who glorified the breed. The American and British lines developed with some differences: as a result, the long-legged curly-haired American Cornish Rex was recognized by the CFA in 1962.
Why should I buy a pet in your cattery?
Buying our elite kitten, you can be sure that your family will have a healthy, active and affectionate companion, who will fall in love with you with an easy character and, undoubtedly, will decorate and add happy energy to your home. Cornishrex is a great contact with any member of the family, a great friend for children. Kittens are raised with great care and attention, kept in excellent conditions, fully accustomed to the tray, scratching post and dry food. They leave the house at the age of no earlier than 3 months, after double vaccination. Our cats have kittens no more than once a year, because this is the time it takes for the cat to recover from the previous offspring and ensure the health of the kittens. The professional analysis of the nursery is provided by experience and training in special courses

Why is the kitten transmitted no earlier than 3 months? I want my monthly period…
We do not transfer kittens earlier, because we are committed to providing you with an elite mentally and physiologically healthy kitten, with a strong immune system, accustomed to the tray, after castration and vaccinations - this is achieved by the age of no earlier than 3 months. Non-castrated animals are only transferred to confirmed recommended kennels.

Cornish is a friend!

Cornishrex-an energetic, intelligent and playful cat is in great contact with all family members, a great friend for children!
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